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Public Health Requirements

The entry and departure of an aircraft infected or suspected to be infected with infectious diseases is governed by the Aircraft (Public Health) Rules, 1950.

Aircraft coming from the West except India and Ceylon are considered to be suspected of yellow fever infection until they have been inspected by the Health Officer and the passengers and crew have been medically examined.

The Commander of an aircraft coming to Bangladesh is required to send a health report to the authorities at the aerodrome where it intends to land , so as to reach them at least two hours before landing, stating whether there is any person on board the aircraft suffering from any illness and whether during the voyage there has been a case of infectious disease.

The procedures enforced in regard to aircraft itself is that the pilot is required to produce the journey log book or any other documents showing the previous movement of the aircraft for the last three months and the date and place of its disinsectization. An aircraft will be regarded "CLEAR", if:

a.  its log shows that it has been disinfected in accordance with Schedule VIII of the Aircraft (Public Health) Rules, 1950, after its last departure from or its landing in a yellow fever infected area;

c.  it has not landed anywhere in a yellow fever infected area during the present journey; and

d.  no non-vaccinated person coming from any yellow fever infected area has gone in board the aircraft en-route for Bangladesh during the 9 days following the date on which the aircraft left yellow fever infected area.

A person is considered to be protected against yellow fever if:

a.  he has been protected against the disease by a previous attack; OR

b.  he has a satisfactory inoculation against the disease performed not less than 10 days before arrival in the yellow fever infected area or not less than 12 days before arrival in Bangladesh. A satisfactory inoculation is performed at center duly empowered and notified through the World Health Organization by the Government concerned as having been authorized to inoculate persons against yellow fever: with a yellow fever vaccine manufactured at any one of the following institutes:

1.  Instituted Eatudious Carios Finally, Bagota, Columbia.

2.  National Institute of Health, United States, Public Health Services, Namilton, Montana.

3.  Pasteur Institute, Dakar.

4.  Rockefeller Foundation, New York.

5.  Service Nacionale do Febre Amarela, Rio de janerio.

6.  South African Institute for Medical Research, Johannesburg.

7.  Welcome Institute, London.

8.  Indich Institute, Amsterdam (Netherlands).

9.  Pasteur Institute, Paris (France).

10. The Commonwealth Serum Laboratory, Melbourne (Australia).

11. The National Drug Company, Seuftwater, Pa, U.S.A.

An unprotected person arriving in Bangladesh from a yellow fever infected area within ten days of his having left the area will be detained in quarantine for a period not exceeding ten days and if an aircraft not disinfected as indicated above arrives from area infected with yellow fever, all protected persons on board the aircraft will be detained in quarantine for a period not exceeding 10 days. To avoid detention in quarantine all crew and passengers should carry International Certificates of satisfactory inoculation against yellow fever. They are also advised in their own interest to be in possession of International Certificates of vaccination against cholera and smallpox while coming Bangladesh.

Passengers and members of the crew will not be charged for a vaccination or an inoculation, when the operations are performed at the airport by Health Department officials.

Passengers and members of the crew will not be charged for accommodation including treatment and drugs, if any, at the isolation Hospital when they are sent there at the discretion of the Health Officer.

During an epidemic and aircraft that loads passengers from the epidemic ridden area must ensure that no infected person embarks into the aircraft, if any illness develops during the flight the information should be transmitted at once to the Airport Health Authority where the aircraft is supposed to land.

In case there is an epidemic in the port of embarkation the embarking passengers must possess valid proof of effective Vaccination against the epidemic disease, if available.

Public health measures applied to aircraft

Plant Quarantine Requirements
On arrival of the aircraft all passengers and crew shall declare any plant or plant materials carried by them on the scheduled card to be supplied by the plant Quarantine Officer for further laboratory test/final disposal/destruction.

Passengers arriving in Bangladesh after visiting any rubber growing countries of Central America including Mexico, and countries in South America, should immediately report to the Plant Quarantine Officer for a special treatment of all his personal belongings.

The importation of plants and seeds into Bangladesh is governed by special rules. In every case where it is intended to carry plants or seeds on aircraft entering Bangladesh, enquiries should first be made from the Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Complex, Farmgate, Dhaka.

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