International Flights | Passengers and Crew | Cargo

Regulations concerning importation, transshipment
and exportation of cargo

Customs requirements:

Carriage of arms and explosives

1. The Carriage in aircraft of any arms, ammunition, explosives, military stores or articles of highly inflammable nature is prohibited under the Bangladesh Aircraft Rules, except explosives or other articles required exclusively for the working of the aircraft and such arms and ammunition as may reasonably be required for private use.

2. No civil registered aircraft, whether national or foreign shall carry ammunition of war or implements of war in or across the territories of Bangladesh.

3. Personal and sporting arms ammunition accompanied or unaccompanied may be imported, exported or transited by air into, our of or through Bangladesh subject to the condition that such arms and ammunition are kept in the custody of the Pilot-in-command and stored in a place not accessible to passengers.

4. A license for firearms to be carried on aircraft must be obtained from the appropriate authorities (Deputy Commissioners at Dhaka and Chittagong are the licensing authorities). In all cases the bore of the arm and amount of ammunition which it is intended to carry should be specified. It must be noted that the importation into Bangladesh of arms and ammunition of .303 and .450 bores, of 6.5 MM. 8 MM or 9 MM calibre, or muskets of .410 bore, or rifles of any other bore containing important components of the aforesaid rifles, or pistons or revolvers of .411, .455 or any intermediate bore or .38 bore or 9 MM calibre, or parts of, or fittings for rifle, muskets, Pistols or revolvers of such bores, or of ammunition which can be fired from such firearms , or of appliances the object of which is the silencing of firearms, is prohibited.

5. Sporting arms and ammunition, explosives (other than those which are used for handling and operating an aircraft), poisons, corrosive liquids or irritant gases, as aesthetic gases, liquids and compounds, flammable solids, liquids or gases, oxidizing materials shall not be carried in bulk on any passenger carrying aircraft, whether national or foreign in or across the territory of Bangladesh except in such quantities as may be notified from time to time.

6. When any of the articles mentioned in above is carried, the carrier shall ensure that:

(a) the quantity is within the prescribed limits;

(b) it is properly and securely packed and correctly labeled showing the content of the package with appropriate instructions for handling;

(c) it is stored in such a place that if the container is damaged, the crew, passenger and the main structure of the aircraft is not likely to endangered by its effects.

7. (a) Articles mentioned in paragraph 5 may be transited in bulk through Bangladesh on a foreign registered aircraft provided the owner of the aircraft has obtained prior permission of its Government for conveyance of the cargo on board and 24 hours advance notice of the arrival of aircraft is given to the Airport of intended landing in Bangladesh.

(b) National Operator in Bangladesh shall not undertake to remove any of the articles mentioned in paragraph 5 in bulk unless prior permission of Government has been obtained.

A list of articles which are classified a "Prohibited Cargo" or "Dangerous Cargo" is available at all civil aerodromes.

Plant Quarantine Requirements:

Importation of Plants and seeds

The importation of plants and seeds into Bangladesh is governed by special rules. In every case where it is intended to carry plants or seeds on aircraft entering Bangladesh, enquiries should first be made from the Department of Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Complex, Farmgate, Dhaka.

Customs Duty on Airport
No customs duty is levied on an aircraft which is in transit or is to make a temporary stay in Bangladesh for a period of less than six months, However, declaration must be supplied to the Customs Officer at the Airport of entry that the aircraft is in transit or that it is intended to re-export the aircraft within this period.

Wireless Apparatus
In Conformity with the provisions of the International Telecommunications Convention (Atlantic City, 1947) aircraft entering Bangladesh carrying radio transmitting apparatus are required to have a license3 for the apparatus and the operator must hold a certificate of competency. If an aircraft equipped with wireless apparatus arrives in Bangladesh and does not carry the required license and certificate issued by the State in which it is registered, a license for the apparatus and a certificate for the operator must be obtained from the General Manager, Telephones (Wireless Branch), Dhaka, before proceeding.


International Flights | Passengers and Crew | Cargo