Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh is a public service enterprise and a body corporate. It functions under the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism. The Authority is run by a Board with a Chairman and six other Members. Management of administration, finance and operations of the Authority all vest in the Board. The organization was formed in 1985 vide Ordinance No. XXXVIII of 1985, titled The Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance, 1985.

CAAB has an approved establishment of a total of 3769 posts where 392 are of officers and the rest 3377 are of staff. Moreover, a total of 915 skilled and unskilled daily-basis (no work no pay) temporary employees are also working. Besides permanent and temporary employees of CAAB a few senior officers come on deputation from the Bangladesh Air Force and the Civil Service.



Civil Aviation Authority is run by a Board. The Board consists of seven Members with a Chairman. They all are appointed by the Government. Presently, the Members of the Board are:

  • Chairman,
  • Member (Operation & Planning), CAAB
  • Member (Finance), CAAB
  • Member (Administration), CAAB
  • Chief Engineer, CAAB
  • Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation & Tourism
  • Director (ATS), Bangladesh Air Force


The Chairman of the Board is a full time officer and the chief executive of Civil Aviation Authority responsible for the efficient management and proper administration of the affairs of the Authority. In the absence of the Chairman, the Member (operation and Planning) acts as the Chairman of the Authority.

MEMBER (Operation & Planning)

The main-stream activities, directly related to aviation such as air traffic services, communication operation and engineering, flight safety and regulation, planning and training etc. are done under a Member designated as Member (Operation and Planning). He is a full time Member in the organization. This branch covers the greatest volume of the total activities of CAAB with about 75% of its manpower. All international and domestic airports in the country work under Member (Operation and Planning). Each airport has its own manpower for ATS, Communication, Security, Fire along with Administration and Accounts. They are controlled by the respective Airport Manager who is responsible to the Member (Operation and Planning).

MEMBER (Finance)

All activities related to finance, accounts, budget and audit in the organization are done under a Member designated as Member (Finance). He is a full time Member in the organization. Office of the Member (Finance) also has got one directorate headed by Director (Finance).

MEMBER (Administration)

All organizational administrative works, such as recruitment, transfer, promotion, retirement of employees etc. in the organization, are done under a Member designated as Member (Administration). He is a full time Member in the organization. Office of the Member (Administration) has got one directorate which is headed by Director (Administration).


The civil, electrical and mechanical engineering works in CAAB are performed under the supervision of the Chief Engineer. Office of the Chief Engineer has three Circles. The Chief Engineer of Civil Aviation Authority is a part time Member of the Board. But he is a regular officer of the Authority as Chief Engineer.

For Top Level Chart, Directorates,
Circles and other Filed Units